Last we were together we covered how Ayahuasca finds you and since you’re reading this that means Ayahuasca has officially found you.
My experience was that it felt like a seed was planted in my being and I would just know when my time to journey with Mother Ayahuasca would come.
Well, that’s exactly what happened AND guess what… it changed my life for the better in more ways than I could have ever imagined!
A big part of the prep work is just being open to Ayahuasca. It’s not for everyone. Not everyone wants to go down the rabbit hole and that’s okay! But, if you’re reading this then my suspicion is that you are curious about what lies beneath the surface and you want the truth no matter how ugly it can be.
Here’s the secret about Ayahuasca… JUST SURRENDER. No matter what happens, no matter how you feel, have trust and faith in Mother Aya. She is here to heal you.
If you are in pain and feel like you have tried everything to get out of your pit, then maybe you’ll come to the realization like I did that you have nothing to lose by surrendering. Do your research. I listened to countless podcasts, read and watched documentaries on Ayahuasca. Thank you for reading my story, but please realize this is just my journey.
Having said that, after doing your research and choosing to journey then the next thing you must do is work on your mindset. A headspace of complete surrender. Surrendering for me meant letting Mother Aya guide me on my journey. I’ll talk about my actual journey in the next post, for now though I’ll leave you with this… There were times when Mother Aya showed me truths about my past and I wanted to know more. She wouldn’t let me know more. The more I focused on specific situations (the more I realized) she faded away. As soon as I changed my mindset to surrender she came back and brought me to the next topic on my journey. The journey is yours, but Mother Aya is your guide. Submit to her and you won’t be sorry you did.
Okay, so you’re committed; you’re going to journey. Now comes the true prep for your mind, body and soul. For one week leading up to your journey your must not consume alcohol/drugs, engage in any sort of sexual activity, be extremely cognizant of the foods you let enter the shell which is your body. There’s a lot more and you can research it further, but just know your facilitators will likely provide you with a comprehensive list of guidelines.
During my week of the dieta I felt extremely healthy. From the foods I consumed to my conscious being. I had an amazing journey, so I have to think following the dieta as I did is crucial.
The days leading up to my ceremony were filled with excitement. A little nerves mixed in, but most of all excited to find out what actually is beneath the surface and who I would become as a result of my journey. Arriving at the campsite at 10am I remember counting down the hours until it was time to drink Ayahuasca.
The day began with a sacred sharing ceremony in a yurt with new friends. Like it was meant to be, I realized that 2 of the 8 participants that were in the circle were people I’ve already known or met in this lifetime. As if to tell me “it’s okay, you’re with your tribe” — it made me feel more connected to the group. In the circle we took turns to speak of our intentions.
Besides surrendering, having a clear intention for what you want out of your journey is key to having a positive experience.
My intention the first night was to shift my negative energy back to positive energy. Anytime the going got tough I just remembered to surrender because I felt that if I did I would surely shift my negative energy to positive energy. Afterall, Mother Aya is here to help us heal. AND it worked.
Night 1 was amazing. I wouldn’t have changed a single thing about my journey. We’ll get into that more in the next post. However, night 2 wasn’t as amazing for me.
My mindset was not in the right place. I spent most of the day journaling about my experience the night before. As it became closer to the time to drink for the second night in a row a shadow of anxiety and fear overcame me. I realized that I hadn’t checked in with myself all day. The entire day I was focused on documenting as much of what I could remember from the night before. I was living in the past. Never once in the day, did I think to myself, “How are you doing today?”. I realized I didn’t even know what I wanted out of the second night. Worries of not having as good of an experience as the first night clouded my mind.
My whole being was just uneasy. Luckily, I ended up being able to surrender and had a better night 2 than it started.
The point though in illustrating this for you is to drill down the importance of the prep work. Specifically, being in the right mental state. Make sure you are clear on your intentions anytime before you drink Ayahuasca and it will be a smoother journey. This I know from experience.
In the next post, I’ll finally let you into my journey (CLICK HERE to read it).
If you haven’t read the previous post of this series about breathwork, then please make sure to click here to read about that before you read about the actual journey
To talk more in general, send me a note:
Surrender to Mother Aya,
Sam AKA SwagSam