by david.menezes | Jan 31, 2023 | Plant Medicine, Podcast, Series, Soul Searching, SOUL/Life Balance, Spirituality, Uncategorized, Virtual Assistants
Welcome to the Soul Seekr Podcast! Christi Myers is a Psychedelic Consultant & Facilitator, the Founder & CEO of Flow Integrative, formed from a place of passion for the human potential & benefits of psychedelic wellness. Thorough training in integrative...
by david.menezes | Jan 26, 2023 | Podcast, Series, Soul Searching, SOUL/Life Balance, Spirituality, Uncategorized
Welcome to the Soul Seekr Podcast! Kute Blackson is the author of the national bestselling book You.Are.The.One. and is widely considered the next generation leader in the field of personal development by everyone ranging from Larry King, Jack Canfield, Marianne...
by Sam Kabert | May 17, 2022 | Podcast, Series, Soul Searching, SOUL/Life Balance
I got to have a great conversation with Christi Myers about The Healing Powers of Ketamine therapy. We started the episode out with breathing. Please take a moment with us to pause life and breath. We dug into how she started and where her lightbulb moment was to get...
by Sam Kabert | May 10, 2022 | Podcast, Series, Soul Searching, SOUL/Life Balance
I was able to catch up with an old High School friend of mine, Dom The Hypnotist, to talk about what he does and how he helps people reprogram their subconscious minds by using hypnosis. Something interesting that we talk about is how society conditions us to be in a...
by Sam Kabert | Jan 18, 2022 | Podcast, Series, Spirituality
Melanie Joy is a returning guest to the Soul Seekr podcast and she is an expert at understanding the feminine and masculine archetypes! She has a Bachelor of Science in International Business and 10 years in the Corporate world. From there, she moved into the love of...
by Sam Kabert | Dec 14, 2021 | Plant Medicine, Podcast, Series, SOUL/Life Balance
Gabriel Frank is a spirited advocate for all things green and growing! He graduated from the New York Botanical Gardens School of Professional Horticulture. He has studied, cultivated, and designed plant-forward environments from east to west coast. He is also the...