SoulLife | Soul Seekr

SOUL/Life Balance

The Book


About Sam

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SOUL/Life Balance

The Book


About Sam

Download Sam’s Media Kit

Connect w/ Sam


It’s a tough pill to swallow, but society has programmed us to fit into a mold without our consent. We have been conditioned through our outdated way of living to mold our beliefs. When one comes face to face that their successes lead to more emptiness; what happens?

The Book

Sam Kabert unconsciously played the game, mastered it and cracked the code to what he was chasing as his dream life filled with material successes like running a million dollar business and being named to Silicon Valley’s 40 Under 40 List at just 31 years old.

Imagine if you will, a quest of epic proportions filled with grandiose dreams in hopes of finding fulfillment. As the seeker goes on, what he comes to discover is he never needed to go anywhere at all. The quest was to fulfill an internal void. And it’s the narrative that one must look outside of themselves for fulfillment, when all along all one ever needs is to just look within and find self love.

Through a massive spiritual awakening experience; Sam discovered how out of touch he was with what truly lit up his soul. Mastering any specific areas of the human experience is one thing; but we must learn to work with what it is our soul wants as well.Sam’s belief is that a new model to center one’s being around could be “SOUL/Life Balance” in which we put a smaller emphasis on working. His core belief is that we have lost our spiritual connection on Earth and because of that have lost the ability to truly think for ourselves and we’ve become complacent. We’ve become okay with just finding our way within the system rather than choosing to own our sovereignty and creating a life that lights us up with joy.

In short, spirituality (to Sam) means that you have beliefs and practices that connect you to a world that cannot be seen with your eyes, yet you know it’s there to support and guide you as you walk through this temporary earthly plane of existence.

This book encompasses everything Sam’s learned and experienced while using himself as a guinea pig to explore the meaning of existence and how to live a more fulfilling life through SOUL/Life Balance. A way of living that puts a focus first and foremost on connecting with deeper meaning, questioning and connecting with the universe at large followed by the human experience of this life.


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Deeper Meaning of Pixar’s SOUL

About Sam

In the past 3 years I’ve overhauled my life completely by following my curiosity moment to moment. I’ve traveled more than I ever have in my life, made amazing life-long friendships with people that can only be described as part of my soul family. 

I’ve spent a month in Costa Rica on two separate occasions fully immersing myself in the culture while obtaining my yoga teacher certification. 

The old version of myself was vastly different as I was running my million dollar business while working less than 4 hours a day and networking with “the who’s who” of Silicon Valley. My life evolved around work despite me working so little.

I had spent years grinding to build the business of my dreams and through non-profit work, content creation and a successful business and media agency I was named to Silicon Valley’s 40 under 40 list at the age of 31. 

Yet I had felt more empty than I ever did in my life, that is until I drank ayahuasca. Ever since April of 2019, I’ve been on a journey and feel more fulfilled, joyful and at peace than I ever have in my entire life. I’m here now to share with you all that I’ve learned and grant you a fast pass to your own transformation.

Images for Media Use

Interviews & Articles

Sam Kabert’s Media Kit

Download Sam’s one page media information which includes his bio, social handles, topics he can speak on and fun facts…

Speaking – Topics Sam Can Speak On

Interested in having Sam speak at your event, podcast or anything else? Send us a message

All Things Virtual Assistants (Recruiting, Training, Managing & Scaling)

How to Work Less and Make More While Maintaining The Optimum “SOUL/Life Balance”

Monetizing Content Marketing (Sam made 60k net in 12 months)

How to Build Sustainable SOP’s Without Doing it All Yourself

The Healing Powers of Plant Medicine

How to Adjust in the World After First “Waking Up”

Recreating Yourself Without Burning Bridges

Sam Kabert has really encouraged me to think outside the box when it comes to spirituality. Growing up super religious and then realizing that maybe those beliefs aren’t mine was scary. Sam has a great way of connecting the spiritual journey within each of us. Whether you are curious about stepping out of your comfort zone or trying some form of plant medicine.. Sam Kabert has totally inspired me to create better SOUL/Life Balance by reminding me to focus first on the SOUL and then design the rest of my life around it.

– Jaime McFaden, International Self-Care Specialist & Best-Selling Author

Sam nails it on the head when he refers to the false narrative associated with “Work / Life Balance”, and breathes a fresh perspective into what it means to live in alignment with the longevity of his “SOUL / Life Balance” approach. Thanks to Sam, I am redirecting my own energy to be in alignment the abundance and unwavering truth that lives within the SOUL / Life Balance approach to bliss.

– Melanie Joy, Women’s Transformational Coach

Sam’s philosophy of SOUL/Life Balance has helped me to make more time for my family, connect with myself on a deeper level and see significant results in my business as I’ve learned to be a conscious leader in the workplace.

– Tony Ferrara, Self-Love Advocate

Sam’s openness to all subjects, willingness to read and learn about what might be encountered along the spiritual path makes for a great human to author this book and will make for time well spent to all the readers who choose to pick up this book.

– Charley Johnson, Corporate Executive Turned Spiritual Teacher

I absolutely love this book SOUL/Life Balance.  The information is delivered as if I am having an interesting and informative conversation with a friend. Sam speaks to his knowledge through his personal experience, which makes it easy to feel into his experience and relate to it. I love how he lays out the road map, but then speaks to his personal experience walking through the steps and how it looks and feels in practice. This book provides a great insight to how important integration is and how it looks in practice. If you are new to the spiritual journey, this is a great book to read, especially if you are searching for a more grounded yet lighthearted perspective.

– Jinica Torres, Integration Therapist

Sam is an incredible leader in this space in time, lighting the path and encouraging others to commit to their soul’s evolution. He knows how to truly guide people in solidifying the bridge between understanding the Matrix and remembering who we truly are.

Zoey Poulsen, Serial Entrepreneur & Medicine Facilitator 👽

Sam is someone who walks the talk of ‘SOUL/Life Balance’. He is a seeker who dives deep into Spiritual experiences not only for his own healing but in order to gain knowledge and information. When when he doesn’t know something himself, he is the one who goes directly to the experts for guidance because of all of this I like to check in with him before I jump into a spiritual endeavor.

– John Barry, Energy Worker

Sam has a unique way of simultaneously being a wealth of knowledge while also maintaining a humble and curious nature regarding his own Soul Path. It has been an honor to be on the book writing journey with Sam and to learn so much about spirituality from him in the process. The concept of SOUL/Life Balance will shift you from simply existing to truly living a meaningful and purpose-filled human experience.

– Samantha Joy, International Identity Coach and #1 Bestselling Author

Work With Me

The aim of this program is to give you the no bulllsh*t resources and tight knit community to support you on your journey of remembering Universal Truths. It’s my belief that the hardest part of the human experience is relationships. When we unpack the layers we find that in truth the challenges from our relationships stem from lack of education around how to effectively communicate with one another. To truly hear and be heard … and seek to understand rather than be understood. Click here to learn more


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