#17: 20 Something Alex Miller Chasing Her Dreams | Soul Seekr

This episode is with my friend Alex Miller. Alex is a 20 Something on a mission to inspire other young professionals to avoid becoming jaded.
Stay hungry, stay humble, stay driven and don’t let the corporate pressures let you become jaded.



Join the journey — whether you hangout on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube!

This episode of Soul Seekr is sponsored by Clone Yourself

Clone Yourself is my online workshop for all my fellow Entreprenuers, Content Creators and Side Hustle Masters…

If you can relate to feeling overwhelmed by the number of projects and tasks you take on..

If you would label yourself as a workaholic, and if you ever wake-up in the middle of the night thinking about WORK…

THEN I want to be THE FIRST TO WELCOME YOU to my new Workshop – CLONE YOURSELF!

In this two-hour training, I’ll walk you through exactly how I have worked with VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS to grow my sales WHILE turning my business into a well-oiled machine which led to working less than 4 hours a day!

The truth is… as leaders in businesses we need to work on our strengths.

Each weakness we have as a business owner is an opportunity to work with Virtual Assistants.

Click the link to learn more about the Clone Yourself Course: https://www.cloneyourselfu.com/workshops

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